Finding open-source projects with the GitHub API

Python/Django app

Contributing to open-source projects is often recommended as a good way to get better at writing code (and have something to tangible to show for it). It's usually easier said than done, however—finding open-source projects that would welcome contributions from first-timers can be difficult. So, I've written a little script to scrape the GitHub API to find open-source projects containing issues with the "help wanted" tag, to give some leads on projects that you might be able to contribute to.

Financial calculators

R/Shiny app

A simple Shiny app with a few calculators for financial purposes, such as how to figure out your FI/RE (financial independence/retire early) number, and how to value a rental property as a component of your FI/RE number.

Aotearoa Commuter Visualiser

R/Shiny app

This app can be used to visualise the journeys of Kiwis to and from their places of work, as reported in the New Zealand 2018 Census.

How to add titles to a layer control box in a Leaflet map in R

R/Shiny app

This app shows the minimal example referenced in my post describing how to add titles to a layer control box in a Leaflet map in R.